• Walton Mouse Pad Walton Mouse Pad Walton Mouse Pad Walton Mouse Pad Walton Mouse Pad
    Walton Mouse Pad

Walton Mouse Pad

A mousepad is a face where a computer mouse is placed so that the movement of the mouse is easier and more effective.

Model Status Price
MP03 In Stock 265
MP04 In Stock
MP05 In Stock
MP06 In Stock
MP07 In Stock

Technical Specification

MODEL MP03 MP04 MP05 MP06 MP07
Size  280*230*3MM  280*230*3MM  280*230*3MM  280*230*3MM  280*230*3MM

 Premium Sleeky fabric

 Premium Sleeky fabric

 Premium Sleeky fabric

 Premium Sleeky fabric

 Premium Sleeky fabric

 Premium Water Proof Cloth

 Premium Water Proof Cloth

 Premium Water Proof Cloth

 Premium Water Proof Cloth

 Premium Water Proof Cloth

 Premium Stitching

 Premium Stitching

 Premium Stitching

 Premium Stitching

 Premium Stitching

 Liquid Sealed Material

 Liquid Sealed


 Liquid Sealed Material

 Liquid Sealed 


 Liquid Sealed Material

 Comfortable Folding  Comfortable Folding  Comfortable Folding  Comfortable Folding  Comfortable Folding